Bernd Kluge, (Einführung und Erläuterung) Published by Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Sigmaringen. 1993. HB (red cloth, with black-lettered spine and cover). xi + 323 pages, including maps and good black and white illustrations in the text. 207 x 295mm. 25 chapters, each given at a colloquium on the circulation of German coins around Europe in the 10th and 11th centuries. German, or English text. Authors include Wolfgang Hess, Mark Blackburn, D M Metcalf, Wolfgang Hahn, Ivar Leimus, Raymond Weiller, Peter Berghaus, Peter Ilisch, Gert Hatz, Arent Pol, Kenneth Jonsson, Brita Malmer, Vera Hatz, Jørn Steen Jensen, Kolbjørn Skaare, Tuukka Talvio, Arkadij Molvogin, Tatjana Berga, Stanislaw Suchodolski, Andrzej Mikolajczyk, etc.
Corners bumped, dj has handling marks and scuffs, otherwise, internally a very good copy, and from the library of Philip Grierson, with his ex-libris.
Numismatic Books Mediaeval european coins
Numismatic literature Hoards
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