Medals, Historical and Art Medals (Books on)

10 Jun, 1987 Renaissance Medals, other Medals, Tickets and Passes, Numismatic Books.

100 Jahre Numismatische Gesellschatft zu Berlin 1843-1943.

100 Jahre Numismatische Gesellschatft zu Berlin 1843-1943.

17 Jun, 1981 Alnwick Castle. Part 2 (final)

17 Jun, 1981 Alnwick Castle. Part 2 (final)

17 Jun, 1981 Alnwick Castle. Part 2 (final)

17 Jun, 1981 Alnwick Castle. Part 2 (final). Scruffy cover

SOTHEBY 17 Jun, 1981 Alnwick Castle. Part 2.

17 Jun, 1981 Alnwick Castle. Part 2. Grubby cover


17 Jun, 1981. European Historical Medals. Alnwick Castle. Duke of Northumberland collection. Part 2 (final).

1995.  A H Baldwin & Sons.  Commemorative Medals 1500 to the present day.

1995. A H Baldwin & Sons. Commemorative Medals 1500 to the present day.

20 Jun 2001.  DNW 50

20 Jun 2001. DNW 50

3 Dec, 1980.  Alnwick Castle. Part 1.

3 Dec, 1980. Alnwick Castle. Part 1. Scruffy cover

3 Dec, 1980.  Alnwick Castle. Part 1.

3 Dec, 1980. Alnwick Castle. Part 1. With ex-libris


3 Dec, 1980. European Historical Medals. Alnwick Castle. Duke of Northumberland collection. Part 1.


3 Nov, 1983 The Brand collection, Part 4

4 Apr 2001 Auktion 109.  Mittelalter und Neuzeit,

4 Apr 2001 Auktion 109. Mittelalter und Neuzeit,

6 Mar 2002 Auktion 116.  Mittelalter und Neuzeit,

6 Mar 2002 Auktion 116. Mittelalter und Neuzeit,


A General Glossary of Mottoes

A Guide to the English Medals Exhibited in the King's Library.

A Guide to the English Medals Exhibited in the King's Library. 1881.

A Guide to the Exhibition of English Medals.

A Guide to the Exhibition of English Medals. 1891. Rebacked

A Guide to the Exhibition of Historical Medals in the British Museum.

A Guide to the Exhibition of Historical Medals in the British Museum.

A Guide to the Exhibition of Medals of the Renaissance in the British Museum.

A Guide to the Exhibition of Medals of the Renaissance in the British Museum. 1923. Scruffy cover.

A Guide to the Italian Medals exhibited in the King's Library (at the British Museum).

A Guide to the Italian Medals exhibited in the King's Library (at the British Museum). 1893

A Magyar Zenemüveszet Érmei És Plakettjei.

A Magyar Zenemuveszet Ermei Plakettjei.

Academia Lugduno Batava in Nummis

Academia Lugduno Batava in Nummis

Archiv für Medaillen- und Plaketten-Kunde.  Internationale Illustrierte Zeitschrift.  Heft 2.

Archiv fur Medaillen- und Plaketten-Kunde Internationale Illustrierte Zeitschrift. Heft 2.

Archiv für Medaillen- und Plaketten-Kunde.  Internationale Illustrierte Zeitschrift.  Heft 4.

Archiv fur Medaillen- und Plaketten-Kunde. Internationale Illustrierte Zeitschrift. Heft 4.

Biographical Dictionary of Medallists.  Coin-Gem, and Seal engravers Mintmasters, & c. Ancient and Modern. Vol 2  E - H.

Biographical Dictionary of Medallists. Coin-Gem, and Seal engravers Mintmasters Ancient and Modern. Vol 2 E - H.

Bollettino di Numismatica 25.

Bollettino di Numismatica 25.

British Commemorative Medals and their values

British Commemorative Medals and their values. 1987. With d/j.

British Commemorative Medals and their values

British Commemorative Medals and their values. 2010. New.

Carlos III y la Casa de la Moneda.

Carlos III y la Casa de la Moneda.

Catalogue des Medailles Commemoratives de Chemins de Fer de tous les Pays.  Supplement.

Catalogue des Medailles Commemoratives de Chemins de Fer de tous les Pays.  Supplement.

Catalogue of Italian Sculpture in the Victoria and Albert Museum.  Vol III:  Plates.

Catalogue of Italian Sculpture in the Victoria and Albert Museum. Vol III Plates.

Collection Ernst Prinz zu Windisch-Gratz. Vol 2. M?_nzen und Medaillen von Italien, Spanien, Portugal, Frankreich, Belgien und Niederlanden.

Collection Ernst Prinz zu Windisch-Gratz. Vol 2. Munzen und Medaillen von Italien, Spanien, Portugal, Frankreich, Belgien und Niederlanden.


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