World Coins - General books

A Guide Book of Modern European Coins.

A Guide Book of Modern European Coins.

A Guide to the Department of Coins and Medals in the British Museum

A Guide to the Department of Coins and Medals in the British Museum. 1934.

A History of the Royal Numismatic Society.

A History of the Royal Numismatic Society.

A Penz

A Penz

Aangemunt en nagemunt  Een episode uit de vaderlandse muntgeschiedenis

Aangemunt en nagemunt Een episode uit de vaderlandse muntgeschiedenis

An Account of the Coins, Coinages and Currency of Australasia.

An Account of the Coins, Coinages and Currency of Australasia. D/j torn

An Essay on Medals: or, An Introduction to the Knowledge of Ancient and Modern Coins

An Essay on Medals: or, An Introduction to the Knowledge of Ancient and Modern Coins and Medals; especially those of Greece, Rome, and Britain.

An Introduction to the Copper Coins of Modern Europe.

An Introduction to the Copper Coins of Modern Europe. 1892

An Introduction to the Copper Coins of Modern Europe.

An Introduction to the Copper Coins of Modern Europe. 1910

Ancora Suilla Fase Matematica Della Nummologia.

Ancora Suilla Fase Matematica Della Nummologia.

Beginner's Guide to Coin Collecting.

Beginner's Guide to Coin Collecting.

Bewertungsliste Geldzeichen der Sowjetunion 1917 - 1985.

Bewertungsliste Geldzeichen der Sowjetunion 1917 - 1985.

Bewertungsliste Geldzeichen Polens 1916 - 1986

Bewertungsliste Geldzeichen Polens 1916 - 1986

Catalogue de l'Exposition Numismatique.  Antwerp 1 - 16 octobre 1960.

Catalogue de l'Exposition Numismatique. Antwerp 1 - 16 octobre 1960.

Catalogue des Monnaies d'or modernes.

Catalogue des Monnaies d'or modernes.

Centennial Volume of the American Numismatic Society.

Centennial Volume of the American Numismatic Society.

Coin Collecting for Beginners.

Coin Collecting for Beginners.

Coin Collecting.

Coin Collecting.

Coin Collecting.

Coin Collecting. No d/j

Coin Facts and Feats

Coin Facts and Feats

Coinage in France from the Dark Ages to Napoleon.

Coinage in France from the Dark Ages to Napoleon.

Coins - Practical Handbook for Collectors.

Coins - Practical Handbook for Collectors. 1955

Coins - Practical Handbook for Collectors.

Coins - Practical Handbook for Collectors. 1962.

Coins - Practical Handbook for Collectors.

Coins - Practical Handbook for Collectors. 1967.

Coins Ancient, Medieval & Modern.

Coins Ancient, Medieval and Modern.

Coins and Christianity.

Coins and Christianity.

Coins and Coin Collecting.

Coins and Coin Collecting. Nice clean copy

Coins and Coin Collecting.

Coins and Coin Collecting. Spine faded

Coins and Medals.

Coins and Medals.

Coins and the story they tell.

Coins and the story they tell.

Coins for Pleasure and Investment.

Coins for Pleasure and Investment.


Coins in History A survey of coinage from the Reform of Diocletian to the Latin Monetary Union.


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