Minting, metallurgy and technology

Illustrated History of the United States Mint and American Coinage.

Illustrated History of the United States Mint and American Coinage.

Le tresor de Trebry (Cotes-du-Nord) 1er siecle avant notre ere,

Le tresor de Trebry (Cotes-du-Nord) 1er siecle avant notre ere,

Nvmisma. Sociedad Ibero-Americana de Estudios Numism??ticos. Enero-marzo 1955.

Nvmisma. Sociedad Ibero-Americana de Estudios Numism??ticos. Enero-marzo 1955.


Origine du laminoir.

Report of the Commissioner of the Imperial Mint for the Year Ending the 30th of the 6th Month of the 15th Year of Meji (30th June 1882).

Report of the Commissioner of the Imperial Mint for the Year Ending the 30th of the 6th Month of the 15th Year of Meji (30th June 1882).

Scientific Studies in Early Mining and Extractive Metallurgy

Scientific Studies in Early Mining and Extractive Metallurgy. 1994 reprint.

Scripta varia numismatico Tuukka Talvio sexagenario dedicata

Scripta varia numismatico Tuukka Talvio sexagenario dedicata


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