• Code 190424-11

Bonus check. London, T Eldridge, 6d token

Brass 25.2mm. Weight 4.35 grams. * T. ELDRIDGE *  CITY AND HIGHBURY  HALF PRICE  80 FOR £1 · TOILET CLUB ·  62 ST. MARTINS LE GRAND  Rv. 6D. in laurel wreath.  EF with much original lustre, slight stains

The purchase of this check for £1 meant one could have 80 haircuts or whatever that were normally 6d on each occasion. The method used for recording this is not known. Did you receive 80 checks for £1 or was a record kept each time youhad a haircut? T. Eldridge is recorded at 62 St. Martins Le Grand from 1873 until 1885, and then as a perfumer at 228 Upper Street, Islington, London in 1886 & 1867. (Token Corresponding Society Bulletin).

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